How Raven Got the Sun
Once upon a time before there was light all the animals lived in darkness. All the animals started to grow weary of this dark so Raven got an idea. He knew that a rich man had the three bags of light which he used for himself. Raven can assume any form and he knew that if he assumed the form of the man's child that the man would give Raven the light. Raven made himself tiny, and the rich man's wife drank the water. The wife then became pregnant with Raven disguised as her baby. Raven was born as a baby human and he cried and cried for the smallest bag of light. His father finally gave it to him, and Raven released the light and this light would be known as the stars. Yet, Raven was not satisfied, he cried and cried for the second bag until he got it. He released this one as well, forming the moon. Raven still wanted the biggest bag though. He stole it and released and the huge fireball of light within became the sun. Thanks to Raven all creatures can enjoy the beauty of the moon and stars and the warmth and light of the sun.
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