Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What I Learned

Isis- She is married to her brother, Osiris.
Osiris- He is the Egyptian god of the afterlife.
Set- He has the head of an animal.
Ra- He is the most widespreadely worshipped Egyptian god.
Horus- He is the "sky."
Sun Wu Kong- His father was the wind.
Jade Emperor- Was born a mortal

Thor- Thursday is named after him.
Freya- Drives a chariot pulled by cats.
Loki- He killed Balder.
Odin- He is sold his eye for wisdom.
Balder- He is the brother of Thor.
Coyote- He stole fire from the fire beings.

Hermes- He wears a helmet with wings on it.
Apollo- Apollo plays beautiful music.
Artemis- She is the goddess of the hunt.

Friday, February 14, 2014

My Myth

It was the beginning of the world. I was living with the Tingit Tribe of the Pacific Northwest. They were a primitive people who loved and worshiped me. Huge pine trees that touched the sky towered over the landscape. The great ocean loomed in the background. It was a beautiful landscape, but something was missing. All the animals including me were living in a state of darkness. We went along everyday with it, but soon we could not take any more. I learned of a rich high ranking tribe member that lived in a land nearby. It was said that he had three bags of light. I quickly devised a plan. 

There was a small stream that ran by the rich man's camp. Using my metamorphic powers which I possessed, I quickly turned myself so small, I was invisible in the water. Later that day, the rich man's wife came down to the river to get water. This was my chance. She took a small ladle out and started to drink. A swam into her ladle and she drank me up. I was now inside her. I then once again transformed myself into a baby, and the woman was pregnant. I was born, and I was their perfect little child. I knew that since my "father" was so rich he would give me anything. Day after day, I cried and cried for the precious light. Finally my parents grew weary. "Just give him the small bag," said my father, and I was extremely pleased when I got the light. That night I released it expecting the whole world to light up. What happened though shocked me. It was nothing but an array of tiny dots giving off minimal light in the heavens. I knew that I had to have more. I cried more this time for a very long time for the second bag. My parents loved me and saw that if I did not stop crying I could die. They had no choice but give me the second bag. This is it, I thought. I have accomplished what I set out to do. I released the light with a chuckle, but again I was disappointed. It was a huge globe of dull light. It did not light the world, but only minimal gloom at night. I was getting impatient. My hope was running out. I knew that my father would never give me the last bag, so I took matters into my own hands. I stole the bag and holding my breath, I released it. A huge fiery globe rose out of the bag and was placed in the sky. The whole land was suddenly covered in light. I was pretty much the most praised god. All the animals and humans loved me. Everyone lived happily in the light and warmth. People grew crops and played happily in the sun all day. To this day you can all thank me for the sun.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Resolution of the Climax

The resolution of the climax is when Raven opens the final bag that contains the sun and gives light to all the land. This makes all the animals very happy. We can only assume that the rich man was very angry.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Climax of the Conflict

The climax of the myth "Raven Steals the Sun" is when Raven gets the final bag of light and is about to open it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


The conflict in this myth is an external conflict between the animals and the rich man. The rich man wants the light for himself, but all the animals want it. In the end, the animals eventually win the conflict.

Character Analysis

Raven: Clever trickster. Assumes the form of the rich man's son.

Rich man: Very wealthy. Loves his "son." Will give him anything.

Rich man's wife: Loving to her "son."

Monday, February 10, 2014

                                               Where Raven Lives
Raven lives in the Pacific Northwest area of the United States and Canada all the way up to Alaska. The pacific northwest is a beautiful rugged place full of huge mountain peaks, rocky coastline, and endless pine forests. The coast can be heard rumbling in the distance, while the screeches of eagles and wolves cut through the air. The whole area  is filled with the fresh aroma of pine and rain. This area makes you feel like you are the only person on earth with the isolation and serenity. You can almost taste the fresh rain, and the common foods here for the Natives are elk, deer, and small mammals.